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Name: MINNA 株式会社
Osaka Head Office: Katao Building 2F, 1-4-11 Nipponbashinishi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 556-0004
Tokyo Branch Office: Sugamo Colt Building 5F, 1-28-9 Sugamo, Toshima-shi, Tokyo 170-0002
Founded Date: July 10, 2017
Capital: 10,000,000 JPY
Recruitment License: 27-ユ-303313
Real-Estate License: 国土交通大臣 (1) 第10007号
Association: 全日本不動産協会 | 不動産保証協会 | 関西商工会議所 | 日本人材紹介事業協会会員
Tel:06-6585-9108 / Fax:06-6585-9109
Regarding the privacy of personal information:
Our company strictly protects the personal information provided by customers regarding to:
"Protection of personal information laws" (Heisei 15, No.57) and "The duty for good management" (Civil law, Article 644).
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